Sunday, August 24, 2008

cafe tu tu tango-ed with the gruwells!

On Friday Cesar and I experienced the restaurant cafe tu tu tango with the gruwell's and it was awesome!!!! If any of you have never ate there...go eat there! It is so good and what's so cool about the food is that they serve you portions that are in appetizer everything is shareable and it will not make you feel 100 LB's overweight when you walk out. We went to the one at the block with Rosh and Rachel and they are so fun! Nothing beats good dinner and a good laugh with these two!

1 comment:

Meygan said...

Patty-you are glowing...must be that baby inside you. Glad you had fun with the Gruwell's...we miss them and you.
Let's try to hang out this weekend, are you off Labor Day? We have a sitter ALL day.