Monday, September 1, 2008

Day with the Nottinghams!

Patches on his way to go see Grizzly!

We hung out with the Nottinghams for the day! It was great! We swam all day, then went out for dinner and dessert at Victoria Gardens. Patches and Grizzly finally had their first play date together too! They are like the best of friends now, yeah! And they both got in the pool too. Well actually while Grizzly is a natural at swimming Patches was having a more difficult time with it. It was so funny....Patches wasn't doing the doggy paddle at all he was doing more of the "got to swim to save my life" kind of paddling. He hates the water...but still it's fun and funny to see him swim! Grizzly is the cutest though...he's all fluffy and shaggy and a great puppy to hug. Trust me Patches will tell you all about that.....yeah Grizzly and him were getting a little too close for comfort if you know what I mean :) And the funny thing is they're both boys! Eww! Ahh well what can you do!

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